Editor’s note: In addition to including information on Bishop James P. Power’s Maintenance to Mission initiative in the Diocese of Superior, this column will highlight parishes that have found creative ways to evangelize in their communities and beyond.

The Evangelization Committee at St. Joseph, Amery, has taken on a new ministry, in addition to organizing twice-monthly parish fellowship, supporting an educational mission in Peru and sponsoring adult formation activities.

“We are engaged in a lot of efforts to evangelize our faith, including our new card/letter-writing ministry, said Jennifer Lefler, leader of the committee. “I connected with a contact at the Women’s Prison in Shakopee, Minnesota, last December. I offered to organize a card-writing group at St. Joe’s who would be willing to write cards of encouragement to these women several times a year. … The initial list had 133 people on it. We are now writing to the entire prison population of about 300, including two women who are in for life. They receive special encouragement from our evangelization team. We have expanded the ministry to include shut-ins, nursing homes, families of deceased from funerals and new parishioners. Needless to say, the ministry is busy.”

In addition to the four members who are dedicated to writing letters and greeting cards, the committee teams up with the parish’s faith formation students to send holiday greetings for Christmas, Easter and Mother’s Day.

“Other areas of our card-writing ministry include sending notes of congratulations to our graduates at the parish,” Lefler added. “We also send notes of inspiration to people on the prayer list, those who are homebound, new parish members, families of deceased, families of newly baptized babies, those participating in RCIA and special requests.”

Lefler credits the parish’s pastor, Fr. Gerald Harris, with inspiring their ministry.

“None of this work would be possible without the support and innovative vision of Fr. Harris and highly engaged, faith-filled parishioners who love to serve the Lord. We really do feel SENT after Mass to carry out his work.

“We serve God by serving his people,” she concluded. “We do this through celebrating the Eucharist and sharing our faith, love, time, talents and treasures with our families, our communities and the world.”