Fr. David Neuschwander spends time with the three Diocese of Superior seminarians who are studying at Saint Francis de Sales Seminary near Milwaukee. From left, Scott Pederson and Carl Oman are both in their Configuration II year. Far right, Andrew Smith is in the first Discipleship year and is studying philosophy. (Submitted photo)
As Director of Vocations and Seminarians, Fr. David Neuschwander regularly visits the men discerning priesthood with the Diocese of Superior at their respective seminaries.
Fr. Neuschwander has reminded, on numerous occasions, that “seminary is where a man goes to discern the priesthood.” While some discern that ordination is not God’s will for them, he encourages celebrating the act of generosity for a young person to give God that first chance, that offering of themselves and their lives. He expresses his gratitude for all the continued prayers for vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life.
Upcoming events include a Come and See weekend retreat at St. Francis de Sales Seminary the weekend of March 28-30 for men 18-35 discerning their vocation.
On Wednesday, May 21, Saint Patrick Church in Hudson will host a St. Andrew Dinner for young men in middle and high school, as well as young adults. Parents are also encouraged to attend. Both events are free and details can be found on the events tab at callednorth.org.
For more on the discernment process, visit callednorth.org, the official website for the vocations office.