My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As we celebrate this season of Advent, our loving God once again invites us to slow down and spend some extra time allowing Him to speak to our hearts and help us grow in the true understanding of Advent and Christmas. For many, if not all of us, this is a time when we worry about getting and giving that perfect gift and being “Martha,” who was so busy with doing that she missed out on the “better part,” the sitting at the feet of Jesus and just being with him. As we continue our Advent journey and prepare for that perfect celebration of Christmas, I would like to share with you some words from St. Teresa of Calcutta that I received in a Christmas card last year:

Jesus is the Word to be spoken.
Jesus is the Truth to be told.
Jesus is the Way to be walked.
Jesus is the Light to be lit.
Jesus is the Life to be lived.
Jesus is the Love to be loved.
Jesus is the Joy to be shared.
Jesus is the Sacrifice to be offered.
Jesus is the Peace to be given.
~ St. Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997)

In the days of Advent that are left, I pray we all give ourselves the gift of time, sitting at the feet of Jesus, “just being with Him,” allowing Him to shower us with His love. May the Peace, Hope, Joy and Love of the newborn Prince of Peace be with you and your family now and forever. God’s blessing be with you,

+ James Powers