My Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Once again, our God invites us to celebrate the miracles of Easter, the ultimate gift of his great love for us, poured out for us on the cross.
There is a line in a contemporary Christmas song that says, “What a strange way to save the world.” The story of our God’s “strange” way of saving the world, of our salvation, continues. The tiny baby born that first Christmas morn, now the fully grown son of God, suffered and died upon the cross for us. Let us rejoice and celebrate our Lord’s victory over sin and death.
As you gather with family and friends to celebrate his glorious resurrection, may your hearts be filled with the love and peace of our Lord ever present in the most holy Eucharist, body, blood, soul and divinity. May the Lamb of God shower you and your loved ones with peace, hope, grace and love, today and always.
Yours in the Risen Christ,
Most Rev. James P. Powers
Bishop of Superior

Bishop James P. Powers
Diocese of Superior