Why do you seek the living one among the dead?
He is not here, but has been raised up. (Luke 5b-6a)

My Dear Friends,

The above passage from St. Luke’s Gospel, which will be read at this year’s Easter Vigil Mass, speaks volumes of who we are to be, and how we are to live as Christians, as Catholics, as God’s beloved children. Our Lord does not want us to live in the suffering and death of sin. He wants us to know and live in the HOPE, JOY, and PROMISE of the empty tomb. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, suffered and died on the cross for each of us that we might live our lives as an Easter People. I pray that through your Lenten sacrifices, you may experience as never before the gift of God’s love revealed to us in the empty tomb. I will hold each of you in my thoughts and prayers as I celebrate the Sacred Triduum, that the Spirit of our Risen Savior might guide, guard, bless and protect you and your loved ones this Easter and always.
May the Spirit of the Risen Savior come upon you and remain with you forever that you might share his peace, love and happiness with others.

God Bless
+James P. Powers
Bishop of Superior