When our new reporter, Jenny Snarski, is out on the road in our diocese, she often meets Catholics who don’t get the paper. Sometimes, they’ve been subscribers in the past, but mostly they are parish members who’ve somehow slipped through the cracks.

As we head into a new school year and a new season of religious education, we at the Superior Catholic Herald would like to reach out to those of you in the parishes – Catholic school teachers, principals, directors of religious education, religion teachers, RCIA leaders, secretaries and more – who are working directly with new parishioners, parents of Catholic school students, inactive parishioners, potential converts or others who may not be getting our diocesan newspaper. It’s a powerful evangelization tool, and we’d like to reach them. Even if they aren’t regular attendees at church – especially if they aren’t regular attendees – a paper delivered to their home will connect them to fellow Catholics, and perhaps even spur engagement in local parish life.

If nothing else, a copy of the Superior Catholic Herald on the coffee table or breakfast table every couple of weeks may be the only sign of faith in some homes, the only reminder that beyond the busyness of daily life is a spiritual realm – in the internal and external sense – they may be neglecting. With your stories, photos and the witness of your faith, perhaps we can welcome them more deeply into Catholic life.

Bishops James P. Powers is our publisher and the leader of our local church; we look to him for spiritual guidance, wisdom and insight. Although many of you may only see the bishop preaching homilies once or twice a year (Come to think of it, I don’t believe I ever saw the bishop of the Diocese of La Crosse during my entire childhood – we were just too far away), he is often in our pages. We want all Catholics, active or not, to hear his voice and know God is at work, both inside and outside our churches, for us and in all of us.

Bless you in your ministries.