“I came so that they might have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10) Jesus came to give us life. Have you ever stopped to ponder the effect of the Eucharist in your life, and the life it brings to each of us whether we are fed physically by the bread of life (Body of Christ) or sit in silence before the Eucharist? He gives us the gift of his life (Holy Spirit) in each of the Sacraments.

This year’s Respect Life theme teaches us, “When we meet Jesus in the Eucharist, this encounter has the power to change us. The Eucharist has the power to transform the depths of our hearts and the heart of our culture.” (USCCB Reflection)

In 2021, the USCCB published “The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church.” This document teaches on the gift of the Eucharist and our response. The gift of the Eucharist includes the sacrifice of Christ, Christ’s real presence, and communion with Christ and his church. The way we respond to Christ’s gift is through thanksgiving and worship, transforming ourselves to be Christ-like, conversion from sin, and by testifying to the power of the Eucharist in our own lives. I’m sure any one of us could spend time pondering each of the ways the Eucharist is gift, and each of the ways we personally respond to this gift. Perhaps some of us might think we do okay in some areas of our faith life, while also realizing there are other areas where we can improve.

Working in the Respect Life office, I see various ways in which people imitate Christ and make their lives a gift to others.

Walking with Moms In Need is a USCCB initiative that helps us protect the life of an unborn child by encouraging and accompanying their mother. Pregnancy care centers throughout the diocese are very supportive in so many ways, including through medical care, ultrasound images and baby items. Parishes can help support the care centers as well as provide prayer, relationship, a place of belonging and community. We can accompany each family member as they learn of God’s love through education and by example. I am always inspired to see the many ways parishes throughout the Diocese of Superior create and participate in opportunities that build a culture of life.

We are also blessed with many Knights of Columbus councils in our diocese. The Knights of Columbus councils are continually raising money to purchase ultrasound machines for the many pregnancy resource centers located in our diocese. In addition, they help at the centers with various projects. The Knights of Columbus are also active with the Fr. Dennis Mullen Adoption Initiative, Special Olympics and efforts toward building up families, among other culture of life events.

May we take the time to meditate on the gift of the Eucharist and discern how we might be transformed by spending time in adoration or participating in the Eucharistic celebration.

“He took upon himself our humanity that we might share in his divinity. We are nourished by his flesh that we may grow to be other Christs.” – Dorothy Day