Justice and peace for Jayme
Sharing advice as a fellow kidnapping survivor, Elizabeth Smart has spoken out on Jayme Closs’s courageous escape to freedom and what lies ahead. In one interview on NBC’s The Today Show, she said, “As big as this feels right now, it doesn’t have to define her life,” and added “You don’t go back to the old normal, there’s only a new normal.”
The runaway train of IVF
In November, a Chinese scientist named He Jankui (known to his associates as “JK”) claimed he had successfully produced the world’s first gene-edited human babies using “gene surgery.” The twin girls, he said, were born somewhere in China with a modified gene that makes them immune to infection from HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
Wedding rings and Christmas things
Saturday morning I took off my wedding ring to make gingerbread cookies with the kids. Given their ages – 6, 5 and 3 years old – you can imagine there were a handful of times I wondered if the effort was worth the memory-making tradition.
The joy and wonder of Christmas
Advent, Christmas, New Year’s. It is natural to assess one’s happiness this time of year.
It all starts at home
The consequences of human sexuality’s misuse have always had far-reaching effects, particularly on recent public display through the sex abuse crisis in the Church, the burgeoning #metoo movement and the Supreme Court nomination.
Sexual Orientation: Hope for restoration and healing with SOCE
Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE) rely on professional therapy and counseling, often in a religious context, to assist those struggling with unwanted homosexual inclinations who would like to diminish their same-sex attractions and grow in their ability to abstain from same-sex behaviors.
Opioids, pain, and addiction: Balancing ethical duties
Almost 2 million Americans are now addicted to opioids. The National Institute on Drug Abuse notes that more than 100 people die each day in the U.S. from opioid overdoses.