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On the road

By |July 18, 2017|

You can see the deepening of faith in the eyes. I was thinking that Sunday while chatting with Sr. Trish [...]

Being a witness to faith in Wisconsin

By |March 28, 2017|

As a Church, we react to human suffering and try to aid those in need. However, many in Wisconsin are not aware of a pervasive blight in our state that preys upon women, children, and men. It coerces and tricks individuals into performing uncompensated work often in degrading circumstances and with dangerous consequences. This scourge is human trafficking, and it is on the rise in Wisconsin and throughout our nation.

Pray that hope overcomes hostility

By |December 15, 2016|

Last week during our staff meeting, Marcy, Anita and I were talking about Christmas. We commented on people’s demeanor, and agreed many of the people we are encountering are just not in a good mood.

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