Wonder has left the building
Love can grow numb between two people, just as it can within a whole culture. And that has happened in our culture, at least to a large part
On not being defensive
In much of the secularized world, we live in a climate that is somewhat anti-ecclesial and anti-clerical. It’s quite fashionable [...]
New book celebrates women religious poets
One Saturday morning last fall, I randomly – and providentially – discovered a renowned Catholic poet with ties to Cumberland while visiting the city’s historic library. Little did I know then just who Sr. Madeleva Wolff was, nor the impact she would have on my life and the potential impact I might have on continuing her work of promulgating creative writing, especially the art of poetry, as the spiritual tool she believed it to be.
Proportionalism the ‘slippery slope’ of reasoning
Speaking last week at a conference in Italy, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life and grand chancellor of the John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences, seemed to suggest that, under certain circumstances, the assisted suicide of the infirm would be morally acceptable.
Mother’s Day in the footsteps of Mary
This year, Mother’s Day falls on Sunday, May 14, just one day after the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. Together, these two days make up a special weekend in this month already dedicated to our Blessed Mother. It is fitting that our celebrations of motherhood and Mary coincide because she is the guardian of mothers in this world. Mary is the model for motherhood in both joy and sorrow, and she shows the way of mercy at all times.
States, communities mourn police lives lost
A light rain was falling from a gray, sullen sky as I pulled my Department of Natural Resources fire control engine in behind a police cruiser from Roseville, Minnesota.
The message of the Resurrection
Have you ever wondered what it was like for the apostles and followers of Christ during the period of time we now call Eastertide, which begins with the Resurrection and concludes with Pentecost?