Sarah Ann Kruse
Editor’s note: Sarah-Anne Kruse recently joined the Diocese of Superior Chancery staff. She is an administrative assistant in the Safe Environment and Administrative Services offices.
Q. Can you tell us a little about yourself?
A. I have been married to my prince charming for 13 going on 14 years. We have three beautiful little girls, ages 12, 11 and 8 years old. I did grow up in Superior and did not move away until I was 18.
I married young and traveled the U.S. with my husband, working for the Salvation Army doing missionary work. I loved every minute of it and got to meet the most influential people I have ever met. My favorite part of traveling and helping where help was needed is learning about others’ life journeys and getting to be a part of it even if it was just for a moment. I attended College at Western Wyoming Community College, College for Officer Training and University of Wisconsin-Superior, where I studied dance, theater and ministry.
I am currently studying to be a lay minister at my church. My favorite hobby is dance and anything related to music – my girls and I have a dance party every day! I play piano, guitar, flute, and some horn as well as lead praise and worship in church. That is my favorite part of life — WORSHIP! A big part of my personal ministry has been teaching at music camp in Finlayson, Minnesota, but due to COVID-19 it has been closed and much missed.
Q. How has faith influenced your life?
A. I am not Catholic, but I was raised Catholic at St. William’s Parish under the care of Fr. Gordon. I currently attend Faith United Methodist Church in Superior and feel that church has and always will be a huge part of my family’s life.
I was called into ministry in 2006, but I have always had a firm foundation in Christ. As a young child, I would attend St. William’s Parish with my great-grandma, Myrtle Hunter. It was my favorite day of the week, because great-grandma would hold my hand all of Mass and help me read the hymns that we were singing. After Mass, we would go back to her house and we would work in the garden and she would teach me how to bake family recipes.
Q. Who and what inspires you?
A. I would say the person(s) who have inspired me most in life are my children. Each day, they are growing and learning and becoming more and more unique. They are not only learning but teaching me as well. I believe that no matter what age or profession we are, there is and always will be something more to learn. My girls teach me that every day in their actions and in their creative activities.
Q. Favorites: Food? Place? Quote?
A. My favorite food has got to be pizza. My favorite place has got to be anywhere by the lake or ocean. I love the feeling of being a part of something bigger than I am, and looking into the horizon makes me feel that way and boosts my own creativity. My favorite quote is “Knowledge is limited; whereas imagination embraces the entire world” – Albert Einstein.
Q. Professional goals and interests?
A. My professional goals and interests in life are to help others always. I have lived my life by trusting what and where God calls me. My husband and I have always felt this way when it comes to anything in life, we do not make a move unless it is prayed upon first, and then the most important part comes next … we wait for God to respond. I was so happy when I was searching for a different way to serve others and I came upon a request for this position. I was even happier when I was accepted into this appointment. The diocese family is one that I have never been a part of before. The love and respect of others in the office setting is something I would pray for all to experience.