Fr. Andrew Ricci, rector of the Cathedral of Christ the King in Superior, blesses donated goods accompanied by the fifth-grade Cathedral School class that helped collect, organize and pack the items to benefit people affected by tornadoes. (Submitted photo)
Superior’s Cathedral School fifth-graders, with the help of Halvor Lines and Cooper School, embarked on a service-learning project to help aid those who lost everything from the recent tornado in Gilbertsville, Kentucky, and surrounding areas.
Donations of clothing, cleaning products and hygiene items were collected, sorted and packed by students throughout the month of January.
On Feb. 11, students helped to load the truck with the collected items and the Cathedral rector, Fr. Andrew Ricci, offered a short blessing.
“It is my firm belief that students will take away many lessons through corporal acts of mercy that they will not receive from textbooks,” said Mrs. Nielsen, Cathedral School’s fifth-grade teacher. “Helping those who have lost everything is an act that has many life lessons within it.”