Kendra Mitchell, New Richmond youth minister, marched with her mother, Jackie Mitchell. (Catholic Herald photo by Janelle Roe)
Jackie Mitchell was a first-time participant in the Washington, D.C., March for Life. She attended at the invitation of her daughter Kendra, helping to chaperone the New Richmond pilgrims.
A longtime supporter of the pro-life movement, Mitchell said, “The March was always on my radar.
“As kids growing up, they (Kendra and siblings) always heard me talking about pro-life issues.”
It was “cool” for her to finally attend and march next to her daughter, who held a sign that read “Thanks Mom for choosing life!”
She said the whole trip was “just amazing.”
Mitchell commented that the speeches made at the start of the March recognized the momentum and progress of the pro-life movement, in spite of disparate media coverage and recent developments of legislation expanding abortion.
“It’s hard to comprehend,” she said. “If you know anything at all about abortion, how can you support that?” Even with the scientific basics of life in the womb, Mitchell doesn’t know “where they’re coming from.”
She shared that many were talking about attending the following March for Life on the way home. One student, however, voiced their hope that “we won’t have to be here next year.” Mitchell was moved by this and the young people’s conviction she witnessed during the March.
“It’s awesome to see the young people that are out there – the pro-life generation,” she said.