Ben Egle, Grand Knight for the Medford Knights of Columbus Council 1744, presented a restored chalice and ciborium to Dcn. Joe Stefancin in honor of his ordination. (Submitted photo)
Dcn. Joe Stefancin, who will be ordained to the diocesan priesthood by Bishop James P. Powers on Sunday, July 19, received a chalice and ciborium from the Medford Knights of Columbus Council 1744.
The chalice and ciborium were old vessels found in storage in an attic at Holy Rosary, Medford. The Medford Knights of Columbus and a donor donated the funds to have the chalice and ciborium restored to their original condition.
Dcn. Stefancin served the Holy Rosary and Our Lady of Perpetual Help parishes for almost 20 years before entering the seminary. The KCs have been honored to support him over the last three years while he was attending Saint Francis de Sales Seminary in Milwaukee.
Now, as Dcn. Stefancin is preparing for his ordination, the Knights were excited to present him with these gifts to use in his ministry after he becomes Fr. Joe Stefancin.