Two campers are assisted by a CrossWoods Camp staff member at the West-side Extreme Faith Campers in Mason. (Photo credit: Diane Nelson)
With a theme focused on the Mass and worship, “Behold the Lamb” Extreme Faith Camp 2019 was the biggest camp year yet for Diocese of Superior youth ministry.
There were 184 participants for the west-side camp at CrossWoods Camp, Mason, from June 10-14 and 195 at Crescent Lake Camp, Rhinelander, for the east-side camp June 17-21. Those numbers include middle school campers, high school leaders, adult chaperones and clergy. Seventeen priests and three deacons helped at the two camps.
Chris Hurtubise, assistant director of Catholic Formation, said they were at or over capacity at both sites and had several new parishes attend.
“So our trajectory of growth in numbers continues to rise, which is super exciting,” he said. “However, even more exciting for us is the fact that the mission of the camp continues to thrive.
“Each year, it continues to facilitate profound encounters with Christ in the sacraments and in the joyful and self-sacrificial love of the high school and adult leaders.”
Hurtubise said the continued growth in numbers is “awesome, but even more important to us is that our vision of helping our parishes form lifelong and passionate Catholic disciples of Jesus Christ is continuing through this period of tremendous growth.”
“It was such a joy to see our camps bear that fruit again this summer, and we look forward to seeing how our parishes utilize this moment to take their teens even deeper,” he added.