St. Mary’s Church in Tomahawk hosted two performances of the Easter musical “Bow the Knee,” written by Chris Machen, arranged and orchestrated by Richard Kingsmore. Information about future performances is available by contacting Zion Lutheran Church in Aniwa, Washington. (Submitted photo)
Jenny Snarski
Catholic Herald Staff
The performances of “Bow the Knee” at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Tomahawk on April 6-7 was the fruit of years of inspiration and effort of Dcn. Dave Bablick of the parish and Pastor Mark Ziemer of Grace Lutheran Church, also in Tomahawk. A total of 455 people attended.
Dcn. Bablick first saw the Christian drama, which originated in 2001, seven years ago. The musical presents the struggle of a centurion with his duty as a Roman soldier and his desire to follow Jesus after witnessing miracles. The cast and support crew number 88, of all ages and more than 20 Christian denominations.
The deacon and Lutheran pastor have been engaged in ecumenical efforts between their two churches since attending the Lutheran-Catholic Common Commemoration of the Reformation Oct. 29 in 2017, in Green Bay with the blessing of their respective church councils and St. Mary’s parochial administrator, Fr. Louis Reddy Maram Reddy.
Since then, the two churches hold joint Lenten services that include instruction, discussion and fellowship.
Dcn. Bablick said conclusions from their final gathering for this year were a continued desire to “to put faith into action as churches together.”
“Imagination and possibilities are taking off,” he added. “People want to see St. Mary’s and Grace do more together, give witness of our unity in Christ to others, to invite others in Tomahawk to join us, and urge others in our respective diocese and synod to do this in their communities.”