Marena Hoogland
The Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation Monastery, Bismarck, North Dakota, welcomed Marena Hoogland, of Catawba, into the novitiate Oct. 14. Hoogland is the daughter of Jeff and Lori Hoogland. She is the middle child of seven siblings — three brothers and three sisters.
Hoogland is in the initial formation process of becoming a Benedictine Sister of Annunciation Monastery. The novitiate is the stage of formation where the novice deepens her own spiritual life and knowledge of Benedictine life by devoting herself to one full year entirely to reflection, participation in prayer and community activities, and the study of the Rule of St. Benedict. In order to give herself to this formative experience, involvement in activities outside of the monastic community are limited.
Hoogland says, “I really believe that God is calling me to be a novice at Annunciation Monastery, and I have found peace in this decision. During this deeper and more intentional level of discernment, as I study about Benedictine Spirituality and the community of Annunciation Monastery, I look forward to the classes taught by the Sisters. I think this year will be full of growth as I learn more about what God has in store for my life and pray that my heart and mind remain open as it unfolds.”