Diocesan Catholic school principals held their beginning-of-the-year meetings at Hotel Chequamegon in Ashland, with Mass at Our Lady of the Lake Church. Pictured left to right: Sonja Doughty (Merrill), Tami Stewart (Ladysmith), Josh Klopf (teacher representing Medford), Randall Stanke (Somerset), Dan Bell (Hudson), Steven Eitrem (Park Falls), Peggy Schoenfuss (Superintendent), Jerry Van Dyke (Rice Lake), Betty Swiston (Ashland), Kathy Kurkiewicz (Spooner), Jerry Carr (Superior), Shirley Heise (Rhinelander), School Sister of St. Francis Felissa Zander (Reserve), Marilyn Pekol (Tomahawk), Sean Slaikeu (River Falls), Laura Jo Jarchow (New Richmond). (Submitted photo)