The Rusk County Catholic Community honored Our Lady of Guadalupe on her feast day, Dec. 12, with roses, a Scripture service and a potluck banquet. (Submitted photo)
The small Hispanic congregation of Rusk County Catholic Community gathered on Dec. 12 to celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Welcoming them in the foyer of St. Mary’s Church in Bruce was Sr. Cecilia Fandel, chair of the Hispanic Outreach Committee, Lenore Krajewski and Ana Cristina Marquez Galvez, diocesan coordinator of Hispanic ministry.
Before long, everyone had their Misal del Dia, worship aid and a long-stem rose. Everyone lined up to process to the statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe on a bright Mexican blanket. To the music of “Las Mananitas,” the traditional morning celebration song, they laid their roses at the feet of the Virgin. Encircling Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, the group burst out singing the nine verses of “Las Apariciones Guadalupanas,” which describes her appearance to San Juan Diego.
Following the honoring of the Virgin, everyone participated in the Scripture service for the feast day.
Downstairs, the ladies laid out their potluck dishes of Mexican food. In addition, ice cream, Christmas cookies and a large Gingerbread boy cake were served. Mothers received a catechetical Advent lesson to use with their children, and a drawing was held for a blanket imprinted with the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
To close the event, all gathered around the tiled image of the Virgin donated by Richard and Alice Meyer, and sang “Buenos Dias Paloma Blanca.”