Deacon Darrell Smerz
TOMAHAWK – Deacon Darrelll Smerz will celebrate the 25th anniversary of his ordination to the diaconate at the 11 a.m. Mass, Sunday, Aug. 21, at St. Mary, Tomahawk.
Following retirement as a captain from the Milwaukee Fire Department, Deacon Smerz returned to Tomahawk, his hometown, in 1985.
Once back, he became involved in a variety of activities, including teaching in the DNR’s hunters’ safety program and serving on various city commissions.
He also devoted time to his parish where, among other things, he did marriage preparation, taught confirmation classes, sang in the funeral choir and visited hospitals and nursing homes – something he continues to do today.
At the encouragement of his then-pastor, Fr. Edward Powell, Deacon Smerz entered the diocese’s deacon formation program, being ordained by Bishop Raphael Fliss, Aug. 19, 1991. Besides having faculties to baptize, witness marriages, conduct funeral services and lead Scripture and Communion services, Deacon Smerz, after receiving additional training from the diocese, was granted faculties to preach.
He and his wife, Donna, have been married 65 years. They have six adult children, 20 grandchildren, and 20 great-grandchildren.