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Rest, renewal and opportunities for spiritual, emotional and intellectual growth: Retreat centers in and around the Diocese of Superior have a lot to offer. Following is a sampling of retreats on a range of topics.
Marywood Franciscan Spirituality Center, Arbor Vitae
Berry-picking day, Aug. 2, 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Pick blueberries and raspberries in Bayfield while reflecting on God’s goodness. Led by Pat Pintens and Sr. Marla Lang, FSPA. Cost: $20 for travel. Bring a sack lunch.
Writers Retreat, Aug. 10-15. 9 a.m. Friday to 3 p.m. Wednesday. Find focus and get in touch with your creative spirit among a supportive Christian community. Led by Sr. Julia Walsh, FSPA. Cost: $275 (commuter), $495 (shared) or $595 (private).
Seeing through God’s Eyes: A Path to Personal Reconciliation and Peace, Aug. 23, 9 a.m. to noon. Interweaving personal experiences with biblical reflections, the presentation proposes that seeing one’s difficulties through God’s eyes has the potential to heal. Suggested offering: $10. Led by Sr. Laurie Brink, OP, PhD.
Advent Retreat: Seeking a Peaceful Spirit, Nov. 30 to Dec. 4. 5 p.m. Friday to 1 p.m. Tuesday. Christmas, then and now, urges one to be about coming to know a new depth of peaceful presence within and all around. Led by Sr. Marla Lang, FSPA. Cost: $175 (commuter) or $375.
Program fees include meals, materials, outdoor gear and accommodations for non-commuters. To learn more, visit marywoodsc.org or call 715-385-3750.
St. Anthony Spirituality Center, Marathon
Continuing the Journey of Widowhood, Aug. 4, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Living as a widow or widower is an ongoing journey. This gathering is an invitation to explore, share and support stories of the experience. Cost: $45.
St. Clare: Mirror of Christ, Aug. 11, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. This retreat day will offer reflection on both mirror and Eucharist in St. Clare’s life and how they can be meaningful in our lives. Led by Sr. Jolynn Brehm, FSPA. Cost: $45.
Coping with Compassion Fatigue: A Workshop for Caregivers, Aug. 25, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The workshop will explore causes, signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue; how to develop a self-care action plan; and strategies and tools for coping and continuous renewal. Led by Elizabeth Lewis, certified stress management instructor. Cost: $75.
Franciscan Living Silent Retreat: Walking through the Garden of Creation with St. Francis of Assisi, Sept. 28-30, starting 6:30 p.m. Friday. A tradition for Secular Franciscans. Led by Lee Ann Niebuhr, OFS. Cost: $190.
Program fees include all meals, materials and accommodations. To learn more, visit sarcenter.com or call 715-443-2236.
Carmel of the Sacred Heart Monastery, Hudson
The Carmelite nuns host private retreats at their hermitage/guest quarters. Participation in Masses and the Liturgy of the Hours is optional; guests will enjoy wooded areas, gardens and a scenic view of the St. Croix River. Call 715-386-2156 or email for details.
St. Scholastica Monastery, Duluth, Minnesota
Spirituality of Gardening Retreat, July 31, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Mindfulness while gardening and the garden as sacred space. Led by Sr. Mary Josephine Torborg, OSB, associate professor of Theology and Religious Studies at the College of St. Scholastica. Cost: $75. Register at retreatduluth.org/spirituality-of-gardening/.
Travelers on the Road: Are you Journeying to the Kingdom as a Pilgrim or a Tourist? Aug. 17, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Ponder the retreat title’s question while journeying over the monastery’s grounds and holy places. Led by Sr. Jeanne Ann Weber, OSB, monastery liturgist. Cost: $45. Register at retreatduluth.org/travelers-on-the-road/.
Tackling Life with Joy, Aug. 25, 10:45-11:45 a.m. Assistant football coach and Benedictine Sr. Lisa Maurer speaks on learning to laugh and live with joy. Cost: freewill offering.
New Melleray Abbey, Peosta, Iowa
Contemplative Living in a Busy World: The Spirituality of St. Paul, Oct. 1-5 or Nov. 12-16. Led by Trappist monks. Cost: $295. To register, email or call 563-588-2319.
Christ the King Retreat Center, Buffalo, Minnesota
Be Patient in Affliction, Aug. 24-26. Men and women’s silent weekend retreat; other dates are available. Led by preaching team. Cost: $160. Visit kingshouse.com or call 763-682-1394, ext. 11, to learn more.