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Centennial year kicks off in Radisson
Parishioners at Sacred Heart, Radisson, are kicking off a yearlong celebration of their centennial year.
Founded in 1919 by 12 families and Fr. Henry Teuwisse, Sacred Heart Catholic Church opened in the former George Washington School building. In 1945, the current church was built.
The church has had eight different pastors over the past 50 years, and improvements to the building have included a new roof, air conditioner, kitchen area, furnace and more.
The centennial celebration began Aug. 12 and culminates Aug. 11, 2019, with a Jubilee Mass with Bishop James P. Powers.
The centennial theme is “Renewing in faith and refreshing in spirit.” Over the course of the next year, the parish will host two adoration hours and regular monthly Bible studies. Parishioners will pray for the parish and individual families, and Fr. Jerome D’Souza, parochial administrator, will bless their homes.
Catholic artist to perform
Catholic singer/songwriter Aly Aleigha will perform at Our Lady of the Lake, Ashland, in conjunction with an open house to showcase renovations to the school. The Wednesday, Sept. 19, event begins with an open house from 4 to 5 p.m., followed by a free dinner from 5 to 5:45 p.m. and a free concert from 6 to 7:15 p.m. Raised in Rice Lake, Aly Aleigha now tours around the country.
God’s Gift event is Sept. 29
“God’s Gift: There’s a Hole in Our Soul” will take place Saturday, Sept. 29, at the Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College Conference Center, Superior, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., followed by Mass at the Cathedral of Christ the King, Superior. Keynote speaker Fr. David Neuschwander will speak on the first vocation, which is to love. Vicki Thorn, founder of Project Rachel, will talk about the biochemistry of sex, problems of the sexual revolution and the science of attraction. Call 715-392-2937 or email to learn more.
Conference to address opioid crisis
“Current Issues in Ethical Decision Making: Ethics and Professional Boundaries Associated with the Opioid Crisis,” will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 11 at Northland Technical College, Phillips. The event is sponsored by the Community Bioethics Committee of Price County, which is comprised of area church, healthcare and legal representatives. The conference is directed to healthcare, long-term care and home-care providers, clergy, social workers, human service providers, nurses, attorneys and AODA counselors. Topics include neurobiology of opioid use disorder, ethical considerations in the care of persons with opioid addiction and legal and professional boundary issues providers face. Interactive case studies will be included throughout the day. The cost is $50; coffee and lunch will be provided. Email for details.
Bishop to lead pilgrimage
Bishop James P. Powers and Fr. John Anderson, pastor at Immaculate Conception, New Richmond, will host a pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes and Santiago De Compostela from March 12-22 The cost is $2,999, including airfare from Minneapolis-St. Paul, first-class hotels, most meals, sightseeing with a professional tour guide, entrance fees, porterage and hotel service charges. For a brochure, contact the parish cluster office or the bishop’s office at 715-394-0205 or .
Marriage Encounter weekend Scheduled
An Up North Marriage Encounter weekend will be sponsored by the Green Bay Marriage Encounter from Nov. 2-4 at Northland Camp and Conference Center in Dunbar. Subsequent dates will be offered at the Norbertine Center for Spirituality, De Pere, Feb. 8-10 and March 22-24. For more information or to register, contact Sue and Dennis at 920-544-5166 or gbme.org.
Fall festival and dinner set for Dobie
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Dobie will hold a fall festival and roast beef dinner 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 30. The menu includes roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, carrots, cole slaw, rolls, pies and kolaches, milk and coffee. Cost is $9 foradults and $4 for children under 10. Takeout meals are available.
The parish hall is handicapped accessible. The festival will include a bake sale, produce booth and cake walk on the church grounds.
For more information, contact the parish cluster office at 715-234-2032.
Bell Tower Residence starts fundraiser
Bell Tower Residence, Merrill, a ministry of the Holy Cross Sisters, is beginning a fundraising campaign to purchase a trishaw for facility use.
A trishaw is a tricycle piloted by a driver who pedals passengers around.
An international program promoting the use of trishaws, Cycling Without Age, started in 2012 in Denmark. Ole Kassow wanted to help seniors use bicycles, no matter their age or mobility, so he offered free rides to local nursing homes. More than 50 countries are now involved.
Bell Tower Residence intends to fund the purchase of trishaws through grants and donations; their first goal is to raise $9,000, the cost to purchase and ship a trishaw. Call 715-536-5575 or email for details.