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Mary Jane Morancyk Hennessy Scholarship
The Superior Diocese Council of Catholic Women will award four $500 Scholarships for women completing their second year of post-high school education, continuing their education for career advancement or returning to the work field. To apply, contact Mary Werner at 715-748-4709 or email . Winners will be notified by phone or mail and recognized at the upcoming SDCCW Convention June 18 at Holy Rosary Parish, Medford. Application must be postmarked by April 15.
Scam alert
Chancery staff are hearing reports of scam emails being sent to parish members. Although the emails appear to be from priests, the email addresses are unfamiliar. To confirm emails are legitimate, call the parish priest; if they are not, call the chancery, 715-392-2937, to report the scam.
Retreat, youth event in Grantsburg
St. Dominic, Frederic, and Immaculate Conception, Grantsburg, will host youth and retreat events on one day in one location.
On Saturday, March 30, beginning at 12:30 p.m., the parish cluster will hold a Lenten Retreat, titled “Seeking and Understanding Our Faith.” The event will be held at Immaculate Conception Church, Grantsburg, and will conclude with a 4:30 p.m. Mass.
Adults, junior high students and high school students are invited to hear Fr. James Brinkman talk about the following topics: Whatever happened to sin?; What does it mean to be Catholic – holding our heads high with 2,000 years of faith; and Introduction to the sacraments – stepping stones to heaven.
Children through grade six are invited to spend the afternoon learning about the season of Lent while enjoying games, crafts and fun with friends. They are also asked to bring an empty backpack to the event.
Registration is requested for adults and youth to aid in planning for snacks and materials. Call the parish office, 715-327-8119, to attend.
‘Interior Freedom’ topic of lay ministry retreat
The Lay Ministry Enrichment Lenten Day of Reflection will be offered at St. Anthony’s Parish Hall in Tony on Saturday, March 30, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The theme of the day is “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 Corinthians 3:17), based on Fr. Jacques Phillipe’s book “Interior Freedom.”
The day of reflection will be led by Chris Newkirk and Bluette Puchner, both of whom work with the Lay Ministry Enrichment program.
Asked how the theme was chosen, Newkirk replied she had received a copy of the book as a Christmas gift; then-Bishop Peter Christensen had given them to priests, deacons and some diocesan staff. She found the book “quite insightful and helpful in reflecting – spiritually, personally and professionally.”
She said, “As the title suggests, it is about the wisdom of ‘interior freedom’ in our Christian life, to grow in our own spirituality, even in the context of unfavorable conditions or adversity in our lives.”
The presenters hope using “Interior Freedom” as a theme for Lenten reflection will offer a reminder and renewed sense of hope integrating the Paschal mystery into one’s personal life.
“It speaks to the level of freedom that comes through an understanding, as St. Paul says, ‘Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.’ To trust in God’s wisdom is freeing,” Newkirk said.
She added, “It is practical, hopeful and although an easy read, its wisdom also has the ability to bring us to great depths within ourselves. Great and lasting joy accompanies this type of interior freedom if we choose to embrace it.”
Participants will be given the opportunity to cover major concepts from the book – a personal copy is included with the registration fee. The day’s schedule will also include time for prayer, personal reflection and journaling, faith discussion and a chance to share how to live in interior freedom with the support of others.
Cost is $20 and covers lunch, refreshments and Fr. Phillipe’s book.
The retreat meets diocesan requirements for catechists and catechetical leaders. Register at catholicdos.org/lay-ministry-enrichment. Contact Newkirk with questions at 715-394-0204 or .
Marriage preparation 2019: Training and retreats
Two retreats will be held this spring for those preparing for marriage. Information about other scheduled retreats in neighboring dioceses is available by calling the Bishop Hammes Center at 715-234-5044.
The first date is Saturday, March 16, at St. Joseph Church in Rice Lake from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., with Mass at 4:30 p.m. Cost is $50 per couple, including materials and food. Contact Shannon Wahl at 715-234-2032.
The second date is Saturday, April 6, at Holy Rosary Parish in Medford from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Cost is $100 per couple, including lunch and materials. Contact Amy Hughley at 715-748-3336.
Increasing commitment to engaged couples
Engaged couples are invited and encouraged to meet with their local priest to learn about the specifics related to marriage preparation for the parish where they will be married.
More information on marriage preparation in the Diocese of Superior is available at catholicdos.org/marriage-steps
FOCCUS Facilitator Training
FOCCUS stands for “Facilitate open, couple communication, understanding and study” and is an inventory program designed to help couples profile their strengths and weaknesses, and identify points for deeper reflection and discussion.
Two trainings will be offered for couples who want to help facilitate FOCCUS for engaged couples or who need to be updated to the fourth edition of the program material. Both will be led by Dcn. Greg and Elaine Ricci.
The two trainings are Saturday, March 23, at St. Patrick Catholic Church, Hudson, or Saturday, April 6, at St. Joseph’s Church, Rice Lake.
Both sessions run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The registration fee of $50 includes materials. Contact Grace Geisler to register, 715-234-5044, or .
An interview with Dcn. Greg and Elaine Ricci will be published in the next issue of the Catholic Herald.