Katie Waldal, Southwest Deanery president for the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, presents at “Feasting with the Saints” on May 13 at Our Lady of the Lakes in Balsam Lake. (Catholic Herald photo by Jenny Snarski)
Jenny Snarski
Catholic Herald Staff
The Southwest Deanery for the Diocese of Superior’s Council of Catholic Women hosted a first-time event on Saturday, May 13, at Our Lady of the Lakes Church in Balsam Lake.
“Feasting with the Saints” brought women of all ages to share in a potluck meal featuring family heritage recipes and learn about Catholic saints related to food and family. Saints discussed included some familiar names as well as some less prominent saints.
It was mentioned at one point that in generations past, knowledge about saints and their lives was limited to what was published in books and passed on in story, but with the internet, so much more information and inspiration is available.
Almost 50 participants attended the event, which included Mass and confession.
Southwest Deanery CCW president Katie Waldal guided discussions and shared personal testimony.
Diocesan President Bridgette Adler encouraged those present in her concluding thoughts: “There is a saint for everyone. God loves to take someone who seems written off by others” and do something beautiful through their lives.
“They’re touching lives and changing hearts,” she added, then challenged, “We, too, are called to be saints. We are worthy and called to fruitfulness.”