Gene Gebert was elected vice president of Catholic Financial Life, Medford Chapter 212, in 1964. At that time, he served under president Joseph Kress and Liz Emmerich was elected secretary/treasurer. Since then, Gebert has served as president or vice president, alternating as needed. He was honored at the Fall Member Celebration for his 56 years of service.

John Borgen, president of Catholic Financial Life, attended from the home office in Milwaukee. He presented Gebert with a monetary gift to be given to the charity of his choice. He has chosen Holy Rosary School to receive this gift. Attending the presentation to Holy Rosary was Fr Patrick McConnell, pastor; Theresa Easterly, principal; and officers and trustees of local Chapter 212: Peter Henrichs, President; Vivian Kremsreiter, vice president; Liz Emmerich, secretary/treasurer, and trustees Leona Gebert, Larry Emmerich, Becky Brost and Esther Henrichs. (Submitted photo)