Holy Cross Sr. Celine Goessl fulfilled a task on her bucket list with the publication of her first book, “Breaking Open God’s Word.” The book features reflections on Sunday readings in a three-year cycle. (Submitted photo)
A Holy Cross sister will be signing copies of her new book Sept. 6 in Merrill.
Sr. Celine Goessl’s book, “Breaking Open God’s Word,” features a three-year cycle of reflections on the Sunday readings of the liturgical year.
“Readers are invited to embark on a journey through the riches of the Sunday readings before they attend Mass on each weekend,” she explained. “This will prepare you for the content of the readings and will offer you a preparation to have something to offer at the presentation of gifts besides the monetary collection.”
Sr. Celine will sign copies of the book, which is available for $25.95 on Amazon.com or at Barnes & Noble bookstores, Sunday, Sept. 6 at Bell Tower Residence, Merrill, after the 11 a.m. Mass.
Sr. Celine has served as a teacher, community leader, pastoral administrator, spiritual director, retreat leader and lecturer. She earned a master’s degree in theology at St. John University in Collegeville, Minnesota, and her doctor of ministry degree at St. Mary Seminary and University in Baltimore, Maryland.
For more information, visit www.holycrosssisters.org.