Fr. David Neuschwander and Fr. Adam Laski, both members of the diocesan vocations team, appeared in a Jan. 2 video on Facebook announcing the overwhelming show of support through the Rosary for Vocations Challenge. (Facebook photo, Called North)
Jenny Snarski
Catholic Herald Staff
On Jan. 2, Frs. Adam Laski and David Neuschwander posted a video announcement recapping the Called North Rosary Challenge, which had been introduced on New Year’s Day 2021.
The initial goal set for rosaries to be prayed for vocations to the priesthood in the Diocese of Superior was 1,200.
“We ended up crushing that goal in a matter of a couple months,” Fr. Neuschwander stated.
At that point, a new goal was set for 12,000 rosaries to be prayed throughout the year. Some priests even issued personal challenges to their parishes and fellow priests.
Fr. Neuschwander offered a “huge thank (you) to everyone in our diocese for your incredible prayer and support for vocations.”
He also noted the outpouring of prayer coincided with four men joining the seminary for the Diocese of Superior this year, saying, “I do not think that it’s a coincidence that when we pray intensely for vocations, the Lord of the harvest answers and sends laborers for his harvest.”
Before revealing the total number of rosaries prayed, the two priests, both members of the diocesan vocations team, invited supporters to a new opportunity – to become part of the Vocations Circle for the Diocese of Superior.
Persons who sign up will form part of a like-minded community of prayer and vocations awareness as well as receive ongoing updates.
This is, as Fr. Neuschwander explained, “A group of people that wants to be in touch with things that are going on in the seminarians’ lives, but also … focusing in on building a culture of vocations.”
A link for the sign-up form is available at the Called North Facebook page with the Jan. 2, posted video. Or visit callednorth.com and click on the top choice “Vocations Circle” under “The Supporter” tab.
Just prior to sharing the rosaries total, Fr. Neuschwander again thanked those who prayed and all interested in supporting priestly vocations, to “continue this incredible flood of support.”
The final tally was 23,235 rosaries – almost double the increased goal.
“Praise the Lord,” Fr. Laski exclaimed.