Fr. Ron Serrao, pastor, is blessed to introduce Order of Christian Initiation of Adults catechumens, candidates and the leadership team of the Northern Lakes Catholic Community, which includes the parishes of St. Theresa of Avila in Three Lakes; St. Kunegunda in Sugar Camp; St. Peter the Fisherman in Eagle River; St. Mary in Phelps; and St. Albert the Great in Land O’ Lakes. The group celebrated the Rite of Sending Forth at St. Peter on Feb. 17, and the Rite of Election, presided by Bishop James P. Powers at the Cathedral of Christ the King in Superior, the following day. Pictured are (front, from left) Mark Gostisha, Jordan Cain, Wendy Thoma, Emma Thoma, Ava McCormick, Ian Oas, Fr. Ron, Jerry Aschenbrenner; and (back, from left) Kris Gostisha, Louise Springer George Thoma, Jill Sobiek, Rollie Alger, Faith Kildahl, Tom Foerster. Not pictured are Kate Thoma, Maria Thoma, Riley Cain and Dale Maternoski. (Submitted photo)