Jeanette Goehring
Our Lady of the Lakes Magnificat will host a Magnificat breakfast, featuring the personal testimony of Jeanette Goehring, on Saturday, June 22.
The event will be at St. Agnes Catholic Church, Walker, Minnesota. Breakfast will be served. The cost is $15 per person.
Goehring’s faith journey has been a roller coaster ride, but the Lord has always been there for her.
Her testimony reveals how God turned a mess into a message, a test into a testimony, a trial into triumph and a victim into a victory.
Jeanette has been married for 49 years, is a mother of three and a grandmother to eight. She has been an active member of Our Lady of the Pines in Nevis, Minnesota. There, she has been a cantor and has served on the Pastoral Parish Council, Liturgy Committee and Evangelization Team.
In 2016, after battling breast cancer and after 44 years of banking, she decided to retire. That same year, she became a member of Our Lady of the Lakes Magnificat Service Team.
As she tells others, “All you need to do is learn to keep your eyes, ears and heart open to his word. It can come in different ways including a song, a daily reading, a book, a picture or just taking a walk.” Her favorite scripture passage is: “I look to the mountains, where do I get my strength. I get it from God, maker of heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1,2)
Reservations and payment are due by June 14. Send payment to Lorri Henning, 3080 20th Avenue NW, Hackensack, MN 56452. She can be reached at 218-507-0953. Learn more at www.ololmagnificat.org.