Dominican Sr. Elizabeth Amman, director of Marywood Franciscan Spirituality Center, greets visitors March 14 during a workshop. The retreat center’s classes and activities take place in the newly remodeled Emmaus Center. (Catholic Herald photo by Anita Draper)
Anita Draper
Catholic Herald Staff
Marywood Franciscan Spirituality Center, Arbor Vitae, is opening its doors to showcase improvements to the retreat facility.
An open house is set for the weekend of July 13-14, 1-4 p.m. each day.
Marywood is located on Trout Lake and offers self-guided and guided retreats, daytime classes and workshops in a Northwoods setting.
Dominican Sr. Elizabeth Amman, director of Marywood, said the Emmaus Center, which includes offices, gathering space, a kitchen, massage room and more, has been remodeled to better accommodate classes and workshops.
Visitors to the main building will notice new carpets, soundproofed rooms, new appliances, wheelchair accessibility and an updated entryway and reception area.
The building has also been rearranged to make more efficient use of the space, Sr. Elizabeth said.
Marywood is a corporate sponsorship of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, whose convent is in the Diocese of La Crosse. Without the support of both the order and generous donors, neither the remodeling nor the center itself would exist, she said.
Several FSPA sisters staff the facility, and FSPA associate Joyce Heil, who joined the staff this winter, is married to the author, editor and professor Carl Koch.
Koch has penned more than 10 books on Catholicism and spirituality. According to Sr. Elizabeth, he plans to guide retreats at Marywood periodically. Call 715-385-3750 for information.