Keynote speaker David Rinaldi addresses a few dozen men and clergy at the Diocese of Superior’s men’s retreat, held Feb. 16-18 at CrossWoods Camp in Mason. “Called Out: Exploring what it means to be a Catholic man and striving to live that out in 21st century America” was the theme. “It was so inspiring to spend the weekend with three dozen men from around the diocese that are truly striving to live as authentically Catholic husbands, fathers, teachers, engineers, farmers, small business owners, financial consultants, etc.,” said organizer Chris Hurtubise, associate director of Catholic formation. “We were so blessed to have great talks … but for me, the best part was the powerful energy of a room full of men genuinely praying together.” (Photos by Tomasoski Photography)
Retreatants play air hockey during the men’s retreat. Building fraternity was one of the goals of the event. “I think it’s safe to say that everyone truly encountered the Lord in a new and powerful way. I also think we all left with both a desire and a very clear vision for how we can intentionally strive to grow as disciples of Christ in our particular vocations,” Hurtubise said. “And what’s more is that no one left alone: the fellowship and brotherhood was a very key component too. I look forward to seeing how that grows in the months and years ahead.”