The diocesan Council of Catholic Women had a banner made to commemorate the anniversary; the banner will be used at parish and diocesan council events. (Submitted photo)
March 4 marked the 100th anniversary of the founding of the National Council for Catholic Women. Board members for the Diocese of Superior Council of Catholic Women marked the occasion during their March meeting.
President-elect Jane Schiszik shared this reflection: “Just take a moment and envision the women in 1920 meeting for the first time to organize and plan their mission and strategy. Certainly, they were met with different obstacles and different issues, but they did have the support of the U.S. Catholic Bishops.
“Now step forward 100 years and voila, women in 2020 are still concerned with different obstacles and issues and still have the support of the U.S. Catholic Bishops. What a legacy those founding women have provided for us.”
She wrote, “While the NCCW has continued to change their focus over these past 100 years, they uphold and continue to live their mission of supporting, empowering and educating all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service.”
Council of Catholic Women members at the parish and deanery levels have been invited to celebrate the centennial. Schiszik also called the anniversary a great incentive to join together with CCW members from around the country at the 100th Anniversary Convention in Washington, D.C., Aug. 26-29.