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National speaker coming to Spooner
David Rinaldi, with more than 20 years of experience working with youth, will speak at St. Francis de Sales Church in Spooner Sept. 25. The event, called “Living Your Faith,” will begin with Mass at 6 p.m. Rinaldi’s 7 p.m. presentation focuses on having a relationship with God. For more information, contact Abbie Schmidt at 715-520-2667 or Loree Nauertz at 715-635-4676.
Sisters erect billboard
A billboard has been erected by the Holy Cross Sisters across from the post office in Merrill. The sisters and their associates hope it will draw attention to the plight of immigrant families who come to this country. In addition, the message on the billboard, a quote from the Pledge of Allegiance, “With liberty and justice for all,” can be found on T-shirts purchased
by sisters, associates and friends.
Correction/Additional Mention
In the article referring to the volunteer efforts to clean up after the July 19 storm, we regret not including mention of the help Ozzie Thompson received from members of her home parish of Our Lady of the Lakes, Balsam Lake. Her son, Fr. Thomas Thompson, mentioned, “They had many members come and work alongside Catholic United and worked just as hard.”