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New religious house to open in Diocese of La Crosse

A new religious house is coming to Wausau this fall.

Msgr. Gilles Wach, Prior General of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, is pleased to announce that the feminine branch of the Institute, the Sisters Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus Christ Sovereign Priest, will open their first religious house in the United States.

With the approval and paternal blessing of Bishop William P. Callahan, of the Diocese of La Crosse, this house will be located in the very diocese where the Institute began its ministry in America about 20 years ago, and which has now yielded seven vocations to the Sisters Adorers. Though the official arrival date is yet to be determined, the process will begin in the autumn of 2019 for three sisters to open this American foundation in a house in close proximity to St. Mary’s Oratory, Wausau, where the Institute currently exercises its apostolate in the Diocese of La Crosse.

The work of the Institute throughout the United States will now be supported in a special way by the prayer apostolate of the sisters, who consecrate their daily life of attendance at Mass, chanting of the Divine Office, and Eucharistic adoration to the sanctification of the clergy and the souls confided to them.

A particular spiritual work of this convent of the sisters will be to pray daily for the bishop, clergy and people of the Diocese of La Crosse. The sisters will also have the potential eventually to make vestments and liturgical linens and take part in faith formation activities with the small children and female youth who frequent the Oratory.

Sister celebrates 60th jubilee

Sr. Jeanne Conzemius, who serves as director of stewardship and mission at St. Joseph Parish, Stevens Point, will celebrate her 60th jubilee Aug. 11.

Sr. Jeanne entered her religious community at the age of 14. She has a bachelor’s degree in elementary education and certifications in theological studies, pastoral ministry, development education, fundraising, communications, global social analysis and community organizing. Over the years, she has been a teacher, a vice president and president of her congregation, director of the La Crosse diocesan Justice and Peace Office and development director for St. Joseph Parish. She also chaired and/or directed many diocesan and state organizations, Wisconsin Catholic Conference, Campaign for Human Development, Catholic Relief Services, Central Sands Hispanic Ministry, Rural Life Committee, and Wisconsin National Assembly of Women Religious.
The Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis, founded in 1901 in Stevens Point, is a Franciscan community of about 260 sisters and associates. The members serve in diverse ministries across the United States, Puerto Rico and Peru.

Mater Redemptoris House closes

The Diocese of La Crosse is closing a house of formation for girls.
Mater Redemptoris House of Formation, La Crosse, is closing as of June 30, according to an email written by Sr. M. Consolata, director.

The facility, featured in the Feb. 9, 2018, issue of the Catholic Herald, had an aspirancy formation program, hosted retreats and Come and See events, and offered spiritual mentoring, among other programs.
Mater Redemptoris was a ministry of the Illinois-based Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George and the Diocese of La Crosse.

The house will be used for a new men’s program, Regency.

Three to join Secular Franciscans

Three candidates will profess vows in the Secular Franciscan Order on June 30 at St. Joseph, Hayward.

Louise Heim, Joyce McKevett and Robert Sanford will make their professions during the 10:15 a.m. Mass.

All are members of the St. Junipero Serra Fraternity of Secular Franciscans in Hayward, sponsored by the St. John XIII OFS Fraternity based in Bloomington, Minnesota, in the Queen of Peace Region.
All are welcome to attend. RSVPs are appreciated. Contact Veronica WIlland, OFS, at 715-558-7258 or

Young adult initiative
Superior Disciple Young Adult Summer Initiative: Supe Group has been formed for young adults ages 18-30 in the Diocese of Superior. “Supe Group” will focus on reading “Forming Intentional Disciples” by Sherry Weddell and discussing missionary discipleship within the diocese. This discussion will take place virtually to accommodate participation of all young adults. RSVPs requested at The group will start June 1. An end-of-summer dinner gathering will be planned and announced at a later date.

Diocesan Charismatic Celebration for Pentecost Solemnity

Bishop James P. Powers will celebrate Pentecost Mass Sunday, June 9, at St. Therese of Lisieux Catholic Church in Phillips at 3 p.m. Prior to Mass, confessions will be offered from 1:45-2:15 p.m. Praise and worship will begin at 2 p.m., led by Mary Donahue of the Church of St. Paul in Ham Lake, Minnesota. Tyler Andreae and the St. Therese Youth Praise Band will lead the liturgical music for Mass. A buffet dinner will follow. RSVPs are requested for the meal by June 2 to or 715-427-3378.

Final Celebrations with Franciscans in Ashland

After more than 140 years of ministry to diocesan Catholics, the Franciscan priestly presence will come to a close in June. This decision has been made by the Franciscan Province of the Sacred Heart based in St. Louis, given their own priest shortage. A mural celebrating Ashland’s Catholic heritage will be dedicated Saturday, June 29, at 2 p.m. at 511 Main St. East. Following this event, DePadua High School alumni and guests will meet for a picnic at the north side of Our Lady of the Lakes Church. On Sunday, June 30, at 10 a.m. Mass of Thanksgiving, Remembrance and Hope will be celebrated by Bishop James P. Powers, Provincial Leadership of the Franciscans, and current and past priests and friars who have served the area.