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Aid for hurricane victims
Fifth-graders from Cathedral School, Superior, are working on a service-learning project to help those affected by recent hurricanes. Students are reaching out to the community to collect items such as clothing, stuffed animals, diapers, cleaning supplies and nonperishable food. They are working with the Diocese of Superior to ensure these items reach individuals and families who do not have insurance to help cover the cost of rebuilding their lives. Items will be collected until Friday, Nov. 17. Donations can be brought to Cathedral School during school hours, 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Students will also hold a baked goods booth. All sales will help cover shipping costs. Fifth-graders are also looking for local business sponsors to help with shipping costs. Call the school for details, 715-392-2976.
‘Sense and Sensibility’ staged
The theatre department at the College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, will stage an adaptation of Jane Austen’s “Sense and Sensibility” in November.
The play tells the story of sisters Elinor and Marianne Dashwood, whose lives have been thrown into disarray by the untimely death of their father. The play premieres at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 3, in the St. Scholastica Theatre building, which is behind Tower Hall. Additional evening performances will be at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 4 and Nov. 9-11. Matinee performances are scheduled for 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 5, and Sunday, Nov. 12. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for seniors/students. Contact the box office at 218-723-7000 or visit spotlight.css.edu.
Bishops commemorate Reformation
On Oct. 31, Catholic bishops of Wisconsin will join with the bishops of Wisconsin’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in America at a service commemorating the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. The joint service will be one of reconciliation and witness, focusing on 50 years of sustained and fruitful Lutheran-Catholic dialogue.
Archbishop Jerome Listecki of Milwaukee, Bishop Robert Morlino of Madison, Bishop David Ricken of Green Bay, Bishop William Callahan of La Crosse, Auxiliary Bishop Jeffrey Haines, Auxiliary Bishop James Schuerman, and Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus Richard Sklba, all of Milwaukee, and Fr. James Tobloski, representing Bishop James P. Powers of Superior, will lead the service. Joining them will be ELCA leaders Bishop Paul D. Erickson of the Greater Milwaukee Synod, Bishop Mary Stumme Froiland of the South Central Synod of Wisconsin, Bishop Jim Arends of the La Crosse Area Synod, Bishop Rick Hoyme of the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin, and Bishop Gerald Mansholt of the East Central Synod of Wisconsin.
The common prayer will be held one year from the day on which Pope Francis, Lutheran World Federation (LWF) President Bishop Dr. Munib A. Younan, and LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr. Martin Junge presided at a similar service commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. As with that service, Wisconsin’s Catholic and Lutheran leaders will sign a statement that acknowledges past conflicts, shared principles of faith, and renewed pledges of commitment.
Wisconsinite U.S. SVDP president
ST. LOUIS – Ralph Middlecamp was elected national president of the U.S. Society of St. Vincent de Paul. He will be the 13th national president of the U.S. Society and will serve a six-year term. Middlecamp has a 30-year history with the society. He previously served as the executive director of the Society’s Madison Council for 18 years. A native of Wisconsin Rapids, Middlecamp received his B.S. from UW-Madison. He was an organizer and former board member of the Community Meal Program and Luke House in Madison. Having received his Eagle Scout award in 1965, Middlecamp remained active in the Boy Scouts for many years. For the past 10 years, he has served on the board of directors of the land conservation organization, the Baraboo Range Preservation Association.
Middlecamp is married to Dr. Cathy Hurt Middlecamp, who is on the faculty at UW-Madison.
Marriage prep sessions
Two upcoming marriage preparation sessions for engaged couples are being offered by the Diocese of Superior.
Holy Rosary, Medford, is hosting a daylong session Saturday, Nov. 4, and St. Bridget Catholic Church, River Falls, will hold its session Saturday, Nov. 11.
For information on the Medford session, contact Amy Hughley at 715-748-3336. Steve Del Vecchio is the contact for the River Falls session, 651-491-5292. Visit catholicdos.org/marriage-steps for details.