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Knights exemplified in Rice Lake
Forty-one members of the Knights of Columbus were exemplified to the Patriotic Fourth Degree on Sept. 9 in Rice Lake. Bishop James P. Powers was the Honoree for the ceremony.
Bishop Powers also attended the Superior diocesan meeting of Knights in Spooner on Sept. 10. At the meeting, State Deputy Tim Guski thanked the bishop for his leadership. Guski presented the bishop with checks to support the diocese’s efforts in Catholic education and charitable outreach. In turn, Bishop Powers addressed the Knights, thanking them for their support and leadership.
Blake pleads no contest
Michelle Blake, Webster, pleaded no contest in Burnett County Court to felony theft for embezzling more than $70,000 from St. John, Webster, and Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Crescent Lake, between October 2010 and September 2013 while she was employed as a secretary/bookkeeper. A sentencing hearing is set for Dec. 4. The chancery released this statement: “Bishop Powers, on behalf of the diocese, sincerely thanks the parishioners, Fr. Tupa, local law enforcement, District Attorney Bill Norine and victim-witness coordinator Darlene Treague for their dedicated efforts and support of fair justice as this case has slowly made its way through our justice system. We look forward to final court justice and closure in the near future, and pray for all those affected by this case.”
Men’s conference Oct. 28 in Chippewa Falls
Men of the Cross, the Diocese of La Crosse’s third annual men’s conference, is Saturday, Oct. 28, at McDonnell High School, Chippewa Falls. Keynote speakers include David DeWolf, founder and CEO of 3Pillar Global, who speaks on entrepreneurship, principled leadership and innovation; Jesse Romero, a Catholic speaker and evangelizer; John Pridmore, a former London gangster who reformed his life; and Fr. Rick Heilman, a Diocese of Madison priest and state chaplain for the Knights of Columbus who has authored several books on men’s faith formation. Registration begins at 8 a.m., and the event closes with a 4 p.m. Mass. Cost is $30. Register online at menofthecross.org.
Pilgrimage to Solanus Casey beatification
St. Patrick, Hudson, is organizing a pilgrimage to the Nov. 18 Mass of Beatification of Fr. Solanus Casey. Fr. Casey was born and baptized just south of Hudson; the church was a mission of St. Patrick Parish, so his baptism is in the parish records. Fr. Casey also made his first Holy Communion at St. Patrick. Cost is $325 per person and includes two nights’ lodging, motor coach transportation, a visit to St. Francis de Sales Seminary, Milwaukee, and the Mass of Beatification in Detroit. A $100 deposit is required at the time of registration. Space is limited. Call 715-381-5120 for details.
Church’s migrant campaign begins
“Share the Journey,” a global campaign to promote a culture of encounter with migrants and refugees, kicked off Sept. 27 when Pope Francis symbolically reached out to them during his papal audience. During the Week of Prayer and Action, Oct. 7-14, parishes, schools and catechists are invited to educate children about immigrant issues, pray for refugees and migrants, and raise awareness online and in their communities. Bishop James P. Powers sent a letter to parishes Sept. 19 encouraging participation in the campaign. For information, visit justiceforimmigrants.org/caritas-share-the-journey-campaign/.
Catholic bookstore returns to Stillwater
Loome Theological Booksellers, located just outside the Diocese of Superior in Stillwater, Minnesota, has returned to the downtown area. Four years ago, the owners moved the bookstore to a farm southwest of town. The Catholic Spirit, the newspaper of the Diocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, reports the owners sold off 80 percent of their books, including many duplicate copies, before moving back to town. The new store, styled after a monastery, has about 15,000 volumes, including Protestant and Orthodox works.
Environmental film screened
Twenty-three attendees joined the Sept. 20 film and discussion event on “We the People 2.0” at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Minong.
The Washburn County Community Rights Alliance provided the session with a film on environmental problems, such as cancer levels above standard in specific geographies, and the volume of oil or natural gas leaking out of existing pipelines. There was discussion on protecting the rights of Washburn County citizens to self-governance and their vested interest in county resources. For more information, contact Milly Thissen, 612-670-8541.