Donations from Our Lady Queen of Peace parish and parishioners are helping to make the Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Project a success. Pictured are (from the left) Ann Egan, Respect Life chairperson; Fr. Ron Serrao, pastor; Ron Behnke, trustee; Ray Knapstein, KC project director; and Terry Schott, parish council chairperson. Not pictured are Bob Becker, trustee; JoAnn Miller and Jim Higgins, finance council members. (Submitted photo)
Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church, Manitowish Waters, donated $1,000 for the Fr. Dodge Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Project to help purchase a new ultrasound machine for New Dawn Pregnancy Resource Center, Woodruff.
On Saturday, Nov. 3, after the 5:30 p.m. Mass, KC ultrasound project director Ray Knapstein thanked Fr. Ron Serrao and parish council members. As of that morning, their donation and hundreds of dollars of individual donations from Our Lady Queen of Peace parishioners put the project over the $10,000 figure, he told them. Less than $4,000 is needed to purchase the machine.
Fr. Ron and parishioners have contacted other area churches to promote the ultrasound campaign, in addition to Fr. Ron’s other parishes, St. Anthony Catholic Church, Lac du Flambeau, and St. Isaac Jogues and Companions Catholic Church, Mercer.
Early next year, the parishes will run the Baby Bottle program supporting New Dawn, as they have for the past several years.