Attending the Jubilee Mass in Tony were (from left) Fr. David Oberts, 50 years; Sr. Peggy Kcvansky, 60 years; Bishop James P. Powers; Sr. Cecilia Fandel, 60 years; Dcn. John Grek, 10 years; and Fr. Inna Reddy Pothireddy, sacramental minister at St. Anthony de Padua. (Submitted photo)
Each year, clergy and religious from the Diocese of Superior gather for a Jubilee Mass celebrated by Bishop James P. Powers.
This year’s celebration was May 2 at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, Tony. Clergy and religious shared a luncheon in the parish hall following the Mass.
Sisters honored during the event were profiled in an earlier issue; priests and deacons celebrating anniversary years are listed below.
Priest jubilees
Fr. David Neuschwander, five years
Fr. Bill Brenna, 10 Years
Fr. John Long, 30 Years
Fr. Jim Tobolski, 35 Years
Fr. Gerald Harris, 40 Years
Fr. David Oberts, 50 Years
Fr. Otto Bucher, 60 Years
Fr. Joseph Kleinheinz, 65 Years
Deacon jubilees
Five years
Dcn. James Arndt
Dcn. Edward Colosky
Dcn. Jim Stroede
10 Years
Dcn. Lawrence Amell
Dcn. Pat Derrington
Dcn. Kevin Feind
Dcn. Owen Gorman
Dcn. John Grek
Dcn. Thomas Rausch
Dcn. Douglas Sorenson
15 Years
Dcn. Ken Kasinski
Dcn. Richard Peterson