Danielle Hendricks, CEO of the Pregnancy Help Center in Rice Lake, stands by St. Joseph Principal Jerry Van Dyke during a Feb. 6 duct-taping event. (Submitted photo)
St. Joseph Catholic School students spent Catholic Schools Week aiming to raise more than $1,000 and collect 500 items for the Pregnancy Help Center of Rice Lake. As a grand prize for reaching their goal, principal Jerry Van Dyke agreed to be duct-taped to the gym wall, and Tom Richie from Real Estate Solutions offered to contribute another $1,000 if students met their goal. On Feb. 6, students and staff gathered in the gym to watch as Van Dyke was taped to the wall. Real Estate Solutions supplied popcorn. Danielle Hendricks, Pregnancy Help Center CEO, accepted $3,418.95 and 753 items on behalf of the center. Seventh-graders received the most donations, while kindergarteners collected the most items.