Linda Masesso (Submitted photo)
Spooner resident Linda Masesso, a member of St. Francis de Sales, has deepened her relationship with the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.
On Nov. 12, Masesso made a commitment as a Providence Associate, joining 31 other 2016 associates with the Sisters of Providence.
Candidates are paired with a Sister of Providence or a Providence Associate companion and go through a year of study, prayer and reflection. Masesso’s companion was Sr. Barbara Ann Zeller, SP.
Both went to high school at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods and have known each other for years.
“The process for me was bringing my soul back to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods,” Masesso said. “It is a beautiful and peaceful feeling. I feel sorry for those who do not get a chance to experience the peace. When I left Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, my soul and I went to the secular world. And now, I have a chance to reunite.
“Sr. Barbara Ann was two years ahead of me,” she added. “We also were in the novitiate together. I was blessed to have Sr. Barbara Ann as my companion.”
Director of Providence Associates Sr. Diane Mason, SP, said the Nov. 12 commitment ceremony brought the total of Providence Associates to more than 250 in the United States and Taiwan. The relationship began 10 years ago.
In late October of this year, 32 women and men began their journey as Candidate-Associates. The associate relationship is open to all people of faith, ages 18 and older.
“In many cases, a deep friendship does form between the candidate and companion and they continue the journey of Providence that so far has never failed us,” Sr. Diane said.
“For me, to be a Providence Associate allows me to re-bond with the Sisters of Providence and the Living God,” Masesso said. “It is magical and fulfilling.”
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