Christie Nielsen (Submitted photo)
Christie Nielsen, a middle school math and technology teacher at St. Joseph School, Rice Lake, has been named one of 100 Kohl Fellowship Recipients for 2021.
The purpose of the Kohl Teacher Fellowship program is to recognize and support teaching excellence and innovation in Wisconsin. The Herb Kohl Educational Foundation’s goal is to support teachers in pursuit of their unrealized goals for their classrooms or professional development.
Fellowship recipients are educators who have been chosen for their superior ability to inspire a love of learning in their students, their ability to motivate others and their leadership and service within and outside the classroom.
Selected Kohl teachers and their schools will each receive a $6,000 grant from the Herb Kohl Educational Foundation.
Nielsen was one of 14 teachers recognized in private schools in Wisconsin; more than 960 private schools exist in the state. Fellowship recipients who teach at religious or independent schools automatically become candidates for the Wisconsin Council of Religious and Independent School Teacher of the Year award.
Nielsen has been a teacher at St. Joseph for 17 years. In addition to her responsibilities as middle school math and computers teacher, Nielsen serves as the athletic director. Since last March, Nielsen has helped teachers with online platforms and presentations needed during quarantines and shutdowns.
“That work is greatly appreciated by all of us,” said St. Joseph Principal Jerry Van Dyke.