Catholic Customs religious goods store in Duluth is in need of a new location with reasonable rent, or the business will only be able to continue their church supply offerings. (Google image)
Jenny Snarski
Catholic Herald Staff
On May 29, Catholic Customs religious gifts and bookstore announced via its Facebook page that the building it has been in for the 17 years had been sold, and it would need to vacate at a future date.
Char Moser, co-owner of the store, shared in the post, “Because of the graciousness of our previous landlords, we were able to keep the doors open this long.”
Moser confirmed the church supply side of the business will continue, but to continue the store front, they are in need of new location.
“We are open to whatever the Lord will send our way,” Moser told the Catholic Herald.
She explained the store’s rental rate is comparable to the 1970s, and that for the size of building they need – approximately 2,000 square feet – at current lease rates, they would not last six months.
They are asking for prayers for God’s will to be made clear and are open to any ideas or suggestions. Some comments on Moser’s Facebook post have shared some available spaces in Superior.
Call Moser with any information at 218-624-7701.
Kathy Drinkwine, who works for the Diocese of Superior, has noted that “Catholic Customs has been a strong presence at our Fall Conference for the last decade.
“We pray that the future allows them to continue to join us.”
For the time being, the store is offering discounts on all items in stock to prepare for whatever move is next, 30 percent for cash sales and 27 percent when paying by credit card.
Catholic Customs is located at 3907 Grand Ave. in Duluth. Store hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and Saturday, closed on Sunday.