St. Albert the Great
4351 County Road B
Land O’Lakes, WI 54540
(Located in Vilas County)
Phone: 715-547-3558
Year Parish was established: 1948
Number of Households: 100
Parish Director: Michele Rein
Sacramental Minister: Fr. Patrick McConnell
Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday: 6 p.m., Sunday: 10 a.m. from Memorial Day to Labor Day

Describe your faith community

We have a rather small but dedicated group of parishioners here year ‘round. We watch the “snowbirds” head to warmer climates in the fall and are most blessed when they return in the spring. In the summer months, we are blessed yet again when many return visitors and some first-timers join us in the celebration of the Eucharist. Also, during the summer months, retired priests from our diocese serve our community, so we are able to celebrate Mass on Sunday mornings.

When visitors come to our parish …

… they will be warmly welcomed. Really, our visitors are like old friends sharing in a reunion of sorts; they are an important part of the fabric of our parish community.  We are most grateful for the time they spend with us. Along with the natural beauty of our 40-plus lakes in the area, our church building has striking stained glass windows depicting some of the saints, as well as fresh flowers and plants that are a part of our church environment.

In what way(s) does your parish proclaim the Gospel with its actions?

Our parish mission statement proclaims, “We gather to pray, celebrate the sacraments and nurture our community. We go out to proclaim the Gospel of Christ through our daily love and care for all.”

This idea of gathering to be nourished and going out to give witness to our faith is what we are aspiring to do.

Some ways in which we go out: parishioners are very active at and support the Headwaters Food Pantry; we visit the sick, homebound and dying; some volunteer to help others with housing repairs and yard work; the Altar Society provides delicious funeral meals; and men and women are involved in and support a number of other local organizations that serve people.

Each spring, St. Albert Parish holds a Friday night fish fry fundraiser. All the proceeds have gone to either an organization such as the LO’L Fire Department, the Headwaters Food Pantry, St. Mary’s Haiti Mission or to a local family in need. The meal is really tasty, and the community support is fantastic. Last year, we fed 430 people.