Cathedral of Christ the King
1111 Belknap St., Superior WI
Phone: 715-392-8511
Year parish was established: 1926
Number of households: 780
Rector: Fr. Andrew Ricci
Associate pastor: Fr. Adam Laski
Deacon: Arthur Gil de Lamadrid
Weekend Masses: Saturday: 4 p.m.;
Sunday: 7:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Describe your faith community
“The Cathedral Family is home to a wide diversity of people – college and technical students, families, singles, retirees, and visitors who pass through on their travels up the North Shore of Lake Superior. Our parishioners offer hospitality to all who join us for Mass.
As the Cathedral for the Diocese of Superior, we are honored to serve the local church for the Chrism Mass, ordinations, diocesan liturgical celebrations, and special events. Our welcoming community is blessed to gather in the Cathedral. Renovated in 2006, it is a beautiful structure that provides a powerful space for worship, reflection, and celebrating our Catholic identity as disciples of Jesus Christ.”
“When visitors come to our parish, they will …
“… be overwhelmed by the beauty and the hospitality of our parishioners. Visitors will hear a homily that will inspire and engage their faith.”
In what ways does your parish proclaim the Gospel with its actions?
“We proclaim the Gospel through study, prayer and service.
Study – In addition to our adult and youth religious education programs, we utilize a number of social media tools to reach out to those who are looking to engage their faith – Facebook for the Cathedral and Cathedral school, CDs for parishioners to listen to, the myParish app, and Fr. Andrew’s podcast:
Pray – We have a vibrant parish community that is eagerly awaiting our new bishop. As home to many of diocesan events, we welcome pilgrims from all over the diocese.
Serve – We reach out to the poor through the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Children are taught to do the same through religious education classes and Cathedral school service projects.”
What is something about your parish most people might not know?
“We currently have over 50 saint relics and are awaiting the opportunity to build a reliquary to house them.
We had a successful $2 million capital campaign to invest in the exterior of Cathedral school.”