Our Lady of Sorrows
120 E. Corbett Ave.,
Ladysmith, WI 54848
Phone: 715-532-3051
Website: www.ruskcountycatholiccommunity.org
Year parish was established: 1906
Number of households: 276
Parish Life Coordinator: Deacon Craig Voldberg
Supervising pastor: Fr. Philip Juza (not in residence)
Sacramental minister: Fr. Inna Reddy Pothireddy
Deacons: Craig Voldberg, Douglas Sorenson, Thomas Fuhrmann
Retired deacons: Jerome Drahos and Richard Leonhard
Weekend Masses: Saturday: 6 p.m.; Sunday: 10 a.m.
Describe your faith community
“The community of Our Lady of Sorrows is composed of individuals from diverse cultures: tillers of the soil, doctors, nurses, lawyers, retired individuals, including the Servite Sisters, and young families. We welcome visitors throughout the year who come to the area to view the beautiful scenery, and who enjoy hunting, fishing, boating and snowmobiling.”
“When visitors come to our parish they will …
“… be awestruck by the massive cross of Christ, in contrast with the simplicity of the dark brick of the interior of the church, notice the St. Peregrine Shrine, our Perpetual Adoration Chapel, vigil lights and the beautiful display of the Seven Sorrows of Mary on the right side of the sanctuary donated by the Servants of Mary Sisters.”
In what ways does your parish proclaim the Gospel with its actions?
“Our faith formation programs proclaim the Gospel through service. Children in grades 1-8 participate in family service projects such as ringing bells for the Salvation Army during Advent and collecting change for the CRS Rice Bowls during Lent. Our high school youth participate in individual or small group service projects, e.g., after-school tutoring, highway clean-up, animal shelter volunteer, cemetery maintenance, hosting a volleyball clinic, and making blankets for a domestic abuse shelter. Our Knights of Columbus Council has many fundraising events and is always willing to help with funding parish, school and community projects. Women are concentrating on re-establishing the Parish Council of Catholic Women. Hispanic Outreach is attempting to serve the 200 families throughout Rusk County. Our Social Justice Committee keeps focused and on task with Pope Francis’ challenge to be a conscientious Christian in today’s world.”
What is something about your parish most people might not know?
“Our bell was donated by St. Augustine Church, Ingram, in 1992, when the Ingram church was closed. The parish was formerly known as St. Mary’s; in September 1975 the parish began using the name Our Lady of Sorrows. We are in a six-parish cluster.”