Statewide gathering of seminarians a first
Seminarians from across the state of Wisconsin gathered during the first weekend of August in La Crosse. In total, seven bishops were present, seven vocations directors and 97 seminarians.
Seminarians from across the state of Wisconsin gathered during the first weekend of August in La Crosse. In total, seven bishops were present, seven vocations directors and 97 seminarians.
The weekend of Aug. 17-18 was bittersweet, with both celebration and goodbyes, for the people of Good Shepherd Parish, Rib Lake, as they bid farewell to their pastor, Fr. Otto Bucher, OFM Cap.
As the Franciscan Friars ended more than 140 years of service to the northernmost part of the Diocese of Superior with Mass at Our Lady of the Lake Church in Ashland, the Order of Franciscans Secular were celebrating Mass at St. Joseph Church in Hayward to profess three new members.
Ashland artist Sue Martinsen did not know her idea for a Catholic School-themed mural would coincide with the departure of the religious order that served the school communities for more than 140 years.
Gifts benefit all through annual appeal
Radisson parish celebrates centennial
Deacon is back at Newman Center
Fr. Adam Laski preached the homily at his home parish of Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Haugen, where the cluster’s first “Picnic and Praise” event was hosted with almost 400 people in attendance.
Margaret Rasmussen very clearly remembers her “aha moment” experience of the presence of God.
July 21 was a still and sunny Sunday morning. The red brick church stood out against the lush green grass and clear blue sky. Parishioners of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary parish in East Farmington gathered outside the newer, handicapped accessible entrance to celebrate the old and the new during the parish’s 150 years.