‘Rebuilt’ author offers map for change, growth
The co-author of the bestselling book “Rebuilt” spoke at the Diocese of Superior’s 17th annual Stewardship Day Monday, May 20, in Hudson.
The co-author of the bestselling book “Rebuilt” spoke at the Diocese of Superior’s 17th annual Stewardship Day Monday, May 20, in Hudson.
The Catholic Herald ran a feature article on Renee Full and her search for a kidney donor in the May 31, 2018, issue.
Before the closing Mass of the Discipleship Weekend held April 5-7 near Rhinelander, all participants gathered for a “sharing of graces.”
One of the Missionaries of the Word who helped lead the retreat is from the Diocese of Superior. Sr. Maria Lucia Stella Maris was born Anya Gadamus and grew up in Ashland.
Event celebrates 50 years of Wisconsin Catholic Conference
The Office of Catholic Formation led a trip for youths to the State Capitol in Madison on April 29-30 for Catholics at the Capitol.
In his welcome message on the Diocese of Superior’s Marriage Preparation webpage, Bishop James P. Powers says, “The Church rejoices with you as you approach the sacrament of marriage and wishes to support you in living your married life to the fullest.”
Each year, clergy and religious from the Diocese of Superior gather for a Jubilee Mass celebrated by Bishop James P. Powers.
Tom Corcoran and his pastor, Fr. Michael White, were seeking out new ideas to address the “religious consumerism” they were experiencing in their ministry at Church of the Nativity in Timonium, Maryland.
Christians recognize life's great paradox that so much evil and temptation exist in the world, but that God is always present, too, ready to help and give people the strength to persevere, Pope Francis said.