From left, Sr. Pat Cormack, Sr. Celine Goessl, Sr. Cecilia Fandel, Bishop James P.Powers, Sr. Ginny Schwartz and Sr. Dorothy Niemann were among those attending the meeting and Jubilee celebration held May 9 in Catawba. (Submitted photo)

The annual Diocesan Sisters’ Forum meeting was held at St. Paul Church in Catawba on Thursday, May 9. Sisters of the diocese, along with Bishop James P. Powers, attended.

Servite Sr. Cecilia Fandel led the meeting, which included business items and discussion with Bishop Powers on the Interim Synod Report of the Diocese of Superior. The sisters shared experiences of connecting with the parishes of the diocese and considered ways in which they could be supportive, especially of youth programming throughout the diocese.

Many of those present have worked in parishes and schools, and continue to express appreciation for those experiences. They want to find ways to give encouragement and support to those now working in similar ministries. Even as they age, they want to be witnesses to the Good News and to continue to pray for those who lead and guide in the parishes and schools.

Following the meeting, the sisters celebrated the jubilee of profession of Sr. Ceclia (65 years), Sr. Celine Goessel SCSC (70 years), Sr. Dorothy Niemann SCSC (60 years), Sr. Pat Cormack SCSC (50 years) and Sr. Virginia Schwartz (75 years). Bishop Powers presided at the Jubilee Mass and offered it for deceased sisters who have served the diocese.

Jubilarians who were unable to attend included Sr. Joan Bukrey OSF (60 years), Sr. Carol Crosby SCSC (60 years), Sr. Peggy Jackelen SCSC (60 years), and Sr. Jeanne Conzemius SSJ-TOSF (65 years). One jubilarian, Sr. Loretta Schreiber SCSC (75 years), died earlier in the year.

The women of St. Paul’s Parish Council of Catholic Women served refreshment throughout the meeting and a luncheon to conclude the celebration.