On Dec. 1, Eagle River Cluster Parishes Director of Faith Formation and Youth Minister Jen Metzger began a chapter-a-day journey through the 24 chapters of the Gospel of Luke.
The idea was something she saw online and felt personally challenged by. After praying on it, Metzger decided, “I should be spending more time getting to know about the life of Jesus this Advent.”
Also knowing some people who cannot or don’t like to read, she decided to create a daily video reading others could follow along with at her website, blessedjourney.net. Videos can also be viewed and subscribed to on the “Jen Metzger” YouTube page or on Facebook at the St. Peter the Fisherman Parish page.
“I thought this was a great way to share the experience and have us grow together this season,” she said. “The whole point of the adventure is to come closer to Christ, to better know him and to find time each day for Scripture,” so Christ can be welcomed on Christmas, with the faithful knowing more about the life he came to live and share.
Metzger is using the Catholic Youth Bible. Contact her at to be added to her daily communication list.