March 12, 2021
My Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
As we find ourselves about halfway through our Lenten journey, my prayer for each of you is that it truly is one of prayer and discipline, drawing you ever closer to the loving, merciful embrace of our Lord and Savior.
I know in some ways it seems like forever, but it was about one year ago that our world was turned upside down. Little could we have imagined then that COVID-19 would become a common part of our vocabulary. Our lives came to a standstill with a shelter-at-home mandate and the closing of so many businesses and institutions, including our churches. The darkness of Lent seemed to continue through Easter and even beyond. The only beacon of normalcy or stability was the ever presence of God’s loving grace. I am so happy and thankful to let you know that with the decreasing numbers of new and active cases of COVID-19 and the increasing availability of vaccines, finally one year later, an increasing number of us are able to come together to worship our God in the celebration of the holy Mass and receive the precious gift of the body and blood, soul and divinity of our Lord. Little by little, we are beginning to return to some sense of calm, hope and peace that our God alone can provide.
Thanks be to God, it is with great joy that I share with you the good news that on Tuesday, March 23, at noon, we will be celebrating our Chrism Mass. I wish I could invite everyone to attend as in the past. However, with needing to still be prudent and practice social distance and wearing face masks, that is just not possible. Pastors and other parish cluster leaders are asking each parish to choose two individuals to come to the cathedral for the Chrism Mass. These parish representatives will both affirm the renewal of the priest’s priestly promises and receive the oils from bishop at the end of the Chrism Mass.
For all those who want to be at the Chrism Mass but are unable to, for the first time ever I invite you to join us virtually via the Cathedral of Christ the King Facebook page. The celebration will be available live, beginning at noon on Tuesday, March 23. At the conclusion of the Mass, it may be viewed in its entirety on the Cathedral Facebook page.
Although I wish we could all be together, I look forward with great anticipation to celebrate with those who are able to join in the celebration of the Chrism Mass, either in person or virtually. Know that you are in my prayers. May the final days of Lent be filled with God’s blessings. Know that you are in my prayers.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Rev. James P. Powers
Bishop, Diocese of Superior